Saturday, March 7, 2020

Weekly Update

Over the past week we have been busy exploring more letters and sounds and learning about sentences. We found that at the end of each sentence there is a period and that the spaces between words are important. We are also practicing writing words in order (from left to right and top to bottom) in order to make  sure our sentences make sense. So far we have been writing "I love..." and "I see..."  sentences.

I math we have been working really hard on creating our own patterns. So far we have been using objects, toys, stickers, pencil and paper,  as well as sounds in order to create a variety of color, sound, size, shape, patterns. You can easily play a pattern game with your child by clapping different rhythms  with your hands and asking your child to identify and copy them, you can both take turns at this game. Here is a link to a song we really, really like this year in Kindergarten. Banana Banana Meatball

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Dear Keeler families, Please click on the link below for our final weekly video message for the 2019-2020 school year. We encourage fa...