Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Dear Keeler Families, 

Our principal Kenny Yeung sent out a principal’s message via school messenger last week.  The message will go directly to your email (Please contact Ms. Woznow in the office if you have changed your email address after submitting your demographic verification form at the end of August).  As mentioned in our previous post, the school is committing to a communication plan to ensure parents are connected to the school and their childs’ learning.

Mr. Yeung will be sending out weekly messages via school messenger. Messages will include school wide important dates and reminders, as well as, resources, system/school updates and anything that will keep our community informed (No messages involving sales or promotion of any products or services will be in these messages).

class blog is where we will be posting student work, assessments (ie. Rubrics) and questions for parents to have a better understanding of their child’s learning.  In addition, teacher contacts, class dojo and supporting resources will also be on our class blogs.  We are still working on guiding principles as a school to ensure consistency and clear expectations on what parents can expect from our class blogs. We will communicate that out before fall break. Class blogs can be accessed via the school website:

School twitter will be used to shared stories, tasks, assessments (ie. Rubrics)  and activities that are related to the school to highlight the fantastic work and opportunities going on at Keeler.  Please follow us on: https://twitter.com/KeelerSchool

For anything else, please go to our school website as it will be fully updated with our monthly principals’ message, system stories/messages, upcoming dates, links to resources and more. The school website can be accessed at: http://school.cbe.ab.ca/school/Keeler/Pages/default.aspx

The Kindergarten Team

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

School Updates

Dear Keeler Families,

Staff at Keeler continue to build routines and develop relationships with your children.  After talking to staff, students and families one of the greatest strengths of Keeler school is the “Circle of Courage.”  We had our first “Circle of Courage” assembly last Friday September 13th and will continue with the tradition of weekly assemblies throughout the year.  If you are new to the school, below is a summary of the Circle of Courage:

It is the goal of Keeler school for the Circle of Courage to be integrated into every classroom, for every individual at our school to have a deep understanding of what it is and what it means. This will enable our school to become a community and to have a healthy school culture. The expectations of behavior can be reinforced through the pillars of the Circle. We are using this to recognize students who are showing the four pillars of the circle of courage. It is not a requirement for students to finish ALL of their circle. Students will complete their circles if they consistently show the pillars of the circle of courage.

The Circle of Courage consists of four pillars:
·       Generosity (black): Looking forward to being able to contribute to others, be able to give cherished things to others
·       Belonging (red): A sense of community, loving others, and being
·       Independence (white): Making one’s own decisions and being responsible for failure or success, setting one’s own goals, disciplining one’s self.
·       Mastery (yellow): Competence in many areas (cognitive, physical, social, and spiritual). Having self-control, responsibility, striving to achieve personal goals rather than superiority.

As a part of our communication plan with families, please refer to our school website for class blogs and our school twitter account: 

Mosaic After School Program:
Students age 8-12 will enjoy fun activities including: drama, field studies, recreational sports, homework help and more.  Please see Ms. Woznow in the office for a form. Note there are limited spaces.

Keeler Choir Club
The Keeler Choir Club will begin on Wednesday 25 September, 2019. Students will have the opportunity to learn, sing and perform songs at assemblies and other events. We invite Grade 3, 4, and 5 students to join choir during lunchtime on the following dates: Sept 25, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Nov 6 Please see Ms. Duncan for more information

Start2Finish invites you to a fun, free after-school program to help improve
fitness and reading starting on October 23rd, 2019 (Please contact Mr. Bane with any questions)
·      What: Running & Reading Club
·      Who: Children who will have good attendance and willing to
·      participate in all activities (grade 1 - 5)
·      Where: Your School Gym
·      Running & Reading Club
·      When: (until Wednesday from 3:15-5:15 the end of May)
·      Why: To improve and develop a love for fitness and literacy!

The Kindergarten Team

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

September Calendar And Notes

Dear families,
Welcome to the Kindergarten Blog! We will be posting important information about school and updates about our learning journey. Monthly calendars and notes will also be posted on the blog for your reference.


Just a reminder that our first School Council Meeting is this Wednesday September 11, 2019 at Keeler School.  One of the most important ways you can make a meaningful difference in the lives of children is by participating on school councils. By connecting students, schools and your community, school councils help nurture and inspire students to achieve their full potential.  

As a part of our communication plan with families, please refer to our school website for class blogs and our school twitter account:

During our welcome back BBQ & presentation, we focused on ensuring “parents/guardians were partners in student learning.” Below are some tips provided by ASCD (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) http://www.ascd.org/Default.aspx

How can parents play a role in student success
Research shows that children of engaged parents perform better in school, which in turn allows parents to take initiative on learning-related matters and forges productive partnerships. Studies show that children’s academic achievement is directly influenced by their parents’ involvement in their education. Here are some tips that will help us work together with your child:

Questions to ask your child about their day
Get a sense of your child’s life at school by asking questions that elicit more than a one-word response. Try one of these conversation starters:
  • Tell me what the best part of your day was.
  • What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
  • Did any of your classmates do anything funny?
  • Tell me about what you read in class.
  • Who did you play with/hang out with today? What did you do?
  • What rules are different at school than they are at home? Do you think they are fair?
  • Who did you sit with at lunch?
  • Can you show me something you learned or did today?
  • What’s the biggest difference between this year and last year?

Dear Keeler families, Please click on the link below for our final weekly video message for the 2019-2020 school year. We encourage fa...