Monday, November 25, 2019

Mayor's Food Drive

Dear Families
Once again our school will be participating in the Mayor's Food Drive. In Kindergarten, we are using this opportunity to learn about the Circle of Courage and the importance of sharing.
If you are able to help, you can send food donations to school with your child. Please make sure to double check that the items are non-perishable and have not expired. It is a good idea to select items with your child and to discuss how the donations help others in need.
Here are some examples of items that can be brought to school for the Mayor's Food Drive:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Parent Letter

Hello families,
Here is a digital version of the letter sent home to all of you. We will try our best to keep you updated throughout this time.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Weekly Update

Over the past week we finalized our fall art and created a great display of our fall learning in the hallway. It showcases the many aspects of our learning: the songs and poems reading activity about fall, our science exploration of leaf shapes and color mixing as well as our amazing fall art. We have also created artist signatures on separate pieces of paper.
On Friday some Kindergarten students have received their first Circle of Courage nominations. (Ask your child about this event), Please remember to dress your child in the red school T-shirt to school on Fridays.
In math we continue to work on making groups of objects,  understanding sorting rules, numbers and attributes. Students are beginning to make sets of numbers of objects and to estimate which group has more and which group has less.. We will continue this work over the next weeks.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Remembrance Day Wreath

Here is a picture of our completed wreath. We are very proud of our work!
Hello Families,
Kindergarten has been working hard on finishing up our fall pictures and learned lots about Remembrance Day. On Friday we had an assembly where the whole school came together to remember and honor those who fought for our peace and freedom. The students made poppies and then placed them together in order to make a beautiful wreath. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Weekly Update

Hello Families,
We had a busy week learning about fall, seasonal changes and other fun things. We made some beautiful fall art and hope to display it in our section of the hallway soon. On October 31 we had fun reading stories, singing and learning about Halloween. We hope everyone had a safe and fun night on Thursday. Please remember to return your songs and poems folders and to dress your child for the weather.

On November 5th we are hoping to go on another field trip to the library. We need a few volunteers to walk with us. Please let us know if you are available to join us from 9:30 to 11:15.
We will have to cancel the field trip if we do not have enough volunteers! Please let the teacher at the door know if you can make it.

Thank you all,
The kindergarten team.

Dear Keeler families, Please click on the link below for our final weekly video message for the 2019-2020 school year. We encourage fa...